Tag Archives: Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches

Which network switch should I buy for my mid-size business?

Close-up of a digital graphic asking "Which network switch should I buy for my mid-size business?" with an image of a networking switch and connected cables in a circular focus. Background shows people in business casual attire in a workplace setting. Social media icons and a website address are visible at the bottom.

A network switch is a device that helps connect devices within a network (typically LAN) and transmits data packets to and from the Ethernet internet to those devices. It is designed to send data to the single device it is intended for instead of networks of multiple devices. That single device could be another switch, router, or computer. While a router is essential for an Internet connection, a network switch is exclusively meant for interconnecting devices. Homes and small offices …

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Differences between Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches

layer 2 network

A network switch is a fundamental component that facilitates data transport and routing layer 2 network. Networking switches emerged as advanced solutions to prevent data flooding in local networks and offer several advantages over hubs. Unlike hubs, network switches send data packets only to specific hosts, which prevents unnecessary traffic. This targeted approach helps network administrators enhance routing efficiency and increase data capacity in local networks. Layer 2 and layer 3 network switches are the most fundamental pieces of any network. …

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