cancel autopay on Google Pay
Learn the steps to cancel autopay on Google Pay and take control of your recurring payments with ease.

The Secret Of How To Cancel Autopay On Gpay To Stop Recurring Payments.

This is how you cancel autopay on Google Pay to avoid any more recurring payments:

  • Open the Google Pay app on your device.
  • Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner to go to your account settings.
  • Tap on “Autopay.” This section will give you a list of all your active subscriptions that have been subscribed through the option called autopay.
  • Tap the “Cancel Autopay” option on that subscription, then locate the specific subscription you want to cancel.
  • You might need to confirm your action.

Then, you can enter your UPI PIN to finalize the cancellation. You will get a confirmation message for successful cancellation.

Important Things to Keep in Mind While Canceling Autopay


  • Cancellation Date: The date of cancellation is also likely to differ from merchant to merchant. Consult the conditions with your subscription.
  • Contact the Merchant: You may have to reach out to the merchant itself after disabling autopay from the Google Pay application if you desire to cancel your subscription in that case.
  • Pending Payments: In the meantime, it’s possible a pending payment could get processed right away for this particular subscription because your cancellation takes effect later.

Managing Your Autopay Mandates

Manage your autopay mandates following the below step:

  • Open Google Pay App: Ensure that the app on your device is up to date.
  • Autopay settings. Tap on the top right, and select the profile picture, followed by tapping Autopay.
  • View Your Mandates: You will see three tabs: “live,” “pending,” and “completed.” Each tab gives you different information about your mandates.
  • Live: These are approved mandates that haven’t been executed yet.
  • Pending: These mandates need your approval, like authorization or decline.
  • This is the mandates that have been completed, expired, or cancelled.
    Change or Cancel Mandates: On the “Live” tab, tap on the mandate you wish to change. You can select “Pause Autopay” or “Cancel Autopay.” Tap your UPI PIN to confirm.

    Troubleshooting Common Problems Encountered

  • If you encounter problems when attempting to cancel your autopay, you can use the following troubleshooting tips:
  • Check for Updates: Ensure that your Google Pay is updated. Using your Google Play Store, go to the search and type “Google Pay,” then tap the “Update” button if there is an update.
  • Re-add Bank Account: If you receive an error prompting you to cancel, add your bank account and try cancelling again.
  • If that doesn’t work, you will likely need to reach out to Google Pay. From within the app, a support ticket may be generated for assistance through getting “Get Help” in your menu.

Understanding Autopay Mandates

You can pay for different services using autopay mandates, such as mobile bills, electricity bills, EMI payments, insurance premiums, and service subscriptions. Once you set up an autopay mandate, you authorize Google Pay to debit the specified amount from your account on the agreed schedule.

Recurrence Patterns for Autopay


Understanding the patterns of repetition of your paycheck-based autopay orders allows you to have better control over your payments. Here are some common patterns:

  • Weekly: Payment occurs on selected days of each week.
  • Bi-weekly: Payments are charged every two weeks.
  • Monthly: Payments are posted on a particular date of each month.


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Cancellation of autopay on Google Pay is relatively simple, taking you back in control over recurring payments. By following the steps above and keeping in mind the important factors, you can efficiently deal with subscriptions and not incur unwanted charges. What’s important is that subscribers should be conscious of their subscriptions and frequently check on their autopay to see if it is still exactly what they want.

Author: AJ

As a passionate blogger, I'm thrilled to share my expertise, insights, and enthusiasm with you. I believe that technical knowledge should be shared, not hoarded. That's why I take the time to craft detailed, well-researched content that's easy to follow, even for non-tech. I love hearing from you, answering your questions, and learning from your experiences. Your feedback helps me create content that's tailored to your needs and interests

About AJ

As a passionate blogger, I'm thrilled to share my expertise, insights, and enthusiasm with you. I believe that technical knowledge should be shared, not hoarded. That's why I take the time to craft detailed, well-researched content that's easy to follow, even for non-tech. I love hearing from you, answering your questions, and learning from your experiences. Your feedback helps me create content that's tailored to your needs and interests

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